Good luck from all of us at Coast to Coast - we wish you all the best!
I have never seen the students come together like this, and the amount of team sprit shown is just amazing.
You don't need to train specifically to participate in The Inside Ride. However, we always recommend you try to meet the minimum daily physical activity requirements outlined in Health Canada's Physical Activity Guide for the promotion of health and wellness.
Riders should wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement. We recommend shorts and t-shirts. Pants with fitted or elastic leg bottoms are also acceptable. Do not wear multiple layers of clothing or heavy costumes while riding.
Use the first two minutes as a warm up and you?ll easily be able to ride for 10 minutes. Like sprinters, you can only go at top speed for about 20-40 seconds, so don?t go all out or you will be too tired to enjoy the rest of your ride. Participants are encouraged to ride at a pace that is comfortable for them and not outside of their normal physical exertion range for sports and physical activity.
The Inside Ride is a celebration of your team?s accomplishments to volunteer, fundraise, donate, and participate. Pace yourself and enjoy your event!
If you have recently been ill with a seasonal flu, H1N1 flu, a respiratory illness such as viral or bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, or other infection that required 2-4 days of bed rest, you should carefully consider your degree of participation. Your body can take several weeks to recover from an illness and it is best to be extremely conservative with your participation and effort. Cycle slowly and focus your efforts on cheering on your team mates and having a good time! If you are prone to asthma, ensure your medications are accessible if needed.
Nutrition is a valuable part of being physically active, learning at school, feeling well, and growing properly. Refer to Canada?s Food Guide by searching online for ?Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide? or going directly to this website:
DO: Have a well balanced dinner the night before your event. For a morning Inside Ride, be sure to have a light nutritious breakfast and drink valuable fluids such as water, milk, or chocolate milk. For an afternoon Inside Ride, eat a good breakfast and a light snack mid-morning or a light lunch. Be sure to drink fluids such as water, milk, or chocolate milk. While on the bike, sip water from your water bottle. After your ride check to see what healthy snacks are available and continue to slowly sip water.
DO NOT: Do not eat sugar snacks or junk food before an Inside Ride. Do not eat a full meal within one hour of an Inside Ride. Do not consume large quantities of water just before or after your ride.
Our team looks forward to bringing a great event to your location. Preparation is key for our team and ours:
The bikes are state of the art road-racing bikes mounted on stationary trainers which are set on mats to eliminate drift or vibration. The pedals have cages that help the rider maximize their performance and keep their feet safely on the pedals.
Your bike volunteer or Inside Ride Crew Leader will tell help you to adjust the seat height, and work the odometer. He/she will also demonstrate how to safely dismount the bike after the ride, removing your feet from the cages and ensuring that you do not get up too quickly after exertion.
Congratulations for taking part, having fun, and being active! Now it?s time to cheer on your team mates after they cheered you on. If you are feeling hot and tired, it?s important to not sit down, you may feel faint. Walk around, continue to sip water from your water bottle and get a team mate to keep you company. Do not leave the event site. If you are feeling unwell for any reason, tell a team mate to find an Inside Ride crew member or one of your event medics.
Cash and cheques are all acceptable forms of donations. We highly recommend Online donations through your secure event website. Donors do all the data entry for you and receive their tax receipts immediately to their email. Saves you work and is environmentally friendly.
Cheques to be payable to ?The Inside Ride?.
Tax receipts will be issued by The Inside Ride for donations of $20 or greater. Full mailing addresses are a federal requirement to issue a tax receipt and must be captured online or on the pledge sheets. Electronic tax receipts will be issued where email addresses are provided on the pledge sheets. Tax receipts will be mailed by Canada Post where email addresses are not provided. Online donations of $20 or greater will have tax receipts emailed immediately to the donor's email.
Contact Us To Learn More
Lori O?Hara-Hoke,
Inside Ride Program Manager
T 416.906.4430
Foundation Website:
Registered Charitable No. 8282 52346 RR0001
Event Websites:
Foundation Website: